Wednesday, September 7, 2011

11 months and counting.

Last week we went to visit Dr. Y.
It had been 6 months since we had seen him and overall, he was really pleased with where I am and what's happening with my recovery.
Here's a quick update on where I am today, almost one year since The Whipple and I met.
Mostly I feel good.  I have a few days a week where I don't think about it...
  the majority of the time though - I'm still aware that a radical thing happened.
I've gained a few pounds - and that's a GOOD thing (never in my life have I been on this end of the weight issue, hilarious!!).
As they say on one of those awkward medicine commercials: "I have tummy troubles"
Double uugh.
We talked a lot about what brings on these "troubles": mostly, the wrong food and stress.
So, he wants me to go see a Gastro-Intestinal specialist.
And then he said, "you know, it will probably be another year until you feel like yourself again".
Another 12 months of THIS?
I mean really, I've already given over a year of my energy, time, heart, soul, emotions, & MYSELF to this crazy thing!  I'm ready to get on with my life!!
That was my reaction on Wednesday.
And then on Thursday morning - I got an email letting me know that a man I know, who was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer a year before my tumor was found, had died.

And I realized that I need to change my mind about this last year and the one that is coming.
This is my life.
And I've been "getting on with it" -- sometimes in a rather "stop and start" manner,
but still...
I'm living it.
So many blessings -- so much that is rich and full and FULL OF LIFE
The 3.  So much Love here.
  about this life I'm living.
In the past 12 months,
I have been transformed by the deep love and care of friends and family.
I have received the blessing of the Church being the Church!
I have witnessed first hand the brokenness of my children as they have come face to face with suffering and joy ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
I have stood beside our oldest as he fought his way to holding his HS diploma in his hand and then headed off to college.
I have watched from the sidewalk as #2 child drove off in the car for the first time.
I have celebrated with friends who went on a great adventure and were radically changed by it.
I have born witness to the power of love - to heal & transform.
I have rested, worked, played, eaten, studied, travelled, laughed, and wept.
I have held the hand of my one true love who has chosen me over and over for 25 years.
I have.

The past 11 months have been huge, yes.
But it has BEEN.
And for that -- I will forever be grateful and changed.
What has changed you in the past year...
moved you to some version of you that you always dreamed about but could never imagine?
God's probably in that.
Just sayin'.