Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Tomorrow, I will celebrate my 46th birthday.
And let me tell you -- this year is a milestone for me...mostly because I'm joyfully and health-fully (is that a word?) moving toward another year of LIFE!
What's helpful to know is that 45 was a HUGE birthday for me. 
I had started a journey when I was 42, with the end result hopefully being that I would enter my 45th year - fearlessly.  You see, my first round of cancer came when I was 15.  Second time - 25.  Third go-round - 35.  You get the pattern.  Turning 45 was a big, hairy deal and as a 42 year old, I was really afraid of it.  I had fallen into old patterns of people-pleasing, living hesitantly, second-guessing every choice, and mostly just HIDING.  All of it based in the fear that I wouldn't be around to see 46 -- so I had better live a life that was literally, larger than life and if I messed up, or couldn't get your approval -- well then my life must be a big, fat failure.
                                     Uuugh.  This is a horrible way to live -- don't try it, trust me.

So, mid-way thru my 42nd year, I called up an amazing counselor, got myself an appointment and spend the next year figuring all of the above out (it was much messier than it looks here -- trust me).  And gratefully, I'm able to say I was able to wake up the morning of my 45th birthday completely and utterly unafraid.  And, by the grace of a very good God, I have stayed that way -- even AFTER the tumor was found in my Pancreas -- all year.  I have been concerned, I have been stressed, I have even wondered if I had maybe done something wrong -- but hey, I'm also the mother of 3 teenagers!! 

Over the past 3.5 years I have had the opportunity to really look at my life -- to see it for what it has been, what it is, and what it might be.  And here's what I know: My life doesn't have value because I produce something you might really like or because my kids turn out perfectly or because every hard to please person I know things I'm amazing.  Nope, my life has value because the Creator of the Universe chose me.  In fact, He chooses me every day and He trusts me -- with big (like raising children and loving Kelly and passing life along and surviving) and small (celebrating the sunrise and enjoying a really good meal and laughing with a friend) things in the midst of those days.  I am a blessed woman -- not because I've survived Cancer 3 times and I "dodged a bullet" this time.  Nope, I'm blessed because God saw how broken I was and how my brokenness was adding to the world's and He decided to crawl into the skin of a newborn and start the process of fixing every last broken thing in me (and you if you'd like Him to) and the world.
So, fearless still I chose to celebrate another birthday. 
Who knew (but God) that last year would hold the challenges it did.
And I trust Him, if this year has some more -- I'm ready.

So this year, I sing the silly, childhood song of birthday parties around the world...
Like a prayer of thanksgiving!
Won't you join me??

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear Suze,
Happy birthday to me.



  1. LOVE this post, Suze! Have a wonderful day tomorrow and may 46 be one of the best yet for you! Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday, Suze! Hope your day is full of little blessings!

  3. Oh, Friend. As I read, I see Almighty ALIVE in your life. The beautiful irony is that as you accept His gift and live in His acceptance, you become so attractive and beautiful that we who know you cannot help but "approve." Good to know you don't need it, though!
