Saturday, October 23, 2010

Body Pillows, English Muffins, and Suffering.

So this morning I woke up after sleeping ALL night (thank you very much and praise God for body pillows) and enjoyed my first "normal" breakfast: English Muffin with Peanut Butter & a cup of Coffee.  Those of you who know me well, know that not being hungry for this for nearly 2 weeks has been a bit disconcerting -- but all is righting itself it seems!! :) 
I also awoke with this thought on my mind: "How would I have done (and continue to do) this all alone?"  First of all, I'm so grateful I haven't had to even think about this once - from folks both near and far praying, friends standing close and helping bear the burden.  Family & friends taking turns "Suzesitting", the kid's friends family's taking care of them, and the food...oh the food.  And then, there has been - Kelly Fair (what love he has shown me).  In all this, not once have I had to worry about how to navigate, where to go, or what's coming next. 
Part of the "crew" who waited it out on surgery day with Kel
But I'm not naive enough to think that everyone who goes through something like this has this kind of "army" of love behind them.  I saw, and heard, people on my floor at the hospital spend entire days (multiple) all by themselves.  Aaaagh, it was almost more painful to me than the actual pain sometimes. 
Jesus is pretty clear about how His Kingdom will come and be released thru us -- and not letting others suffering alone is part of that (check out Matthew 25).  I don't know what's going to happen inside me as this thought pings around inside my heart and brain -- I just thought I'd invite you into that place to wrestle with me. 
Your welcome!!
Hope you're having a great Saturday.
Ours feels almost "usual" (other than the mother with tubes sticking out of her body!!), with chores, overnighter, leaf raking, and rest.  I had a great chance to catch up with the oldest and let me tell you, it felt like a balm to my soul.
I hope you receive some balm too -- whatever it is you're needing for today...
God's got it, of that I'm certain.


1 comment:

  1. I often think of that very tension when Michelle talks about all of the sick kids that get stuck in the hospital for weeks at a time. Or when families have been at the hospital week after week and their friends & families no longer go with because a couple of weeks turned into a year or two. It's not an easy tension and very easy to ignore.
