Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recovery - Day 6: Good News

Well, the best news that I can think of to share with you this morning is that Jesus walked right out of heaven and started walking (as soon as He could) to Calvary.  And there...well, for me (and I know, lots of you) that's where IT all started.
That, is the best news ever.
And next to that, I've had some other really good news in my life.
Kelly loved me enough to take a chance on me (it's working out pretty good).
A woman in Michigan decided we were the right parents for the baby in her belly she wouldn't be able to parent.  Ben is the result.
Katie was coming, Katie was coming!!
Mackenzie would arrive on the scene 4 short years later.
Our parents (& still 1 Grand) and 4 sibs+ spouses & their kids, are really special people, who want life's best for us.
We have great friends who are willing to dream and fight and love and risk with us.

And today, Dr. Yahanda walked into my room at Parkview and said...
"It's NOT Cancer".

So, the recovery continues with this deep understanding that we are firmly standing on a foundation made up of the BEST NEWS EVER, and then we walk toward whatever's next out of that spot.

We know many of you have been right alongside us fighting, praying, trusting, believing, and hoping for this good news.
We thank you.
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation.

Kelly will have more later.
For now, I'm sitting in my very uncomfortable, "when am I ever going to find the right setting for this contraption!", hospital bed, watching the sun, clouds, and sky start their day too.
And mostly...

Suze & Kelly too!!


  1. Love you...and celebrating with you!!

  2. Awesome news! We celebrate with you!

  3. P.S. It's good to "hear" your voice again sister! =-)

  4. I was so excited to see you posting! Beaming for you! A little fire is flickering in my heart at this news this morning! You are a fabulous woman, Suze Fair! Happy, happy, joy, joy! woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Terri I

  5. Our God is an Awesome God!

    And you and your family are pretty awesome too!

    Continuing to pray and be lifted up with the good reports!


  6. Woooooohoooooo!!!! Yea God!!!
    His Mercies are new everymorning, but some mornings seem more Mercy-fullll than others! so so happy for ya, sista ~Lori

  7. Suze-been praying for you and your family. Your post made me teary! So happy for the good news. Take care of yourself for a complete and rapid recovery ;-)

  8. To God be the glory! I am so happy for you and your family. Speedy recovery. Lora

  9. Weeping tears of joy for you all! So thankful to the Lord for His great mercy. Hoping to see you out and about before too long.
    With much love, Laurie Nichols

  10. Crying with thankfulness!!! SOOOOOO Thankful and happy and relieved and glad. God, You are merciful and kind. Thank you for bringing Suze through this and to complete wholeness.

  11. Yahoooo!!!! We are celebrating right alongside you! We are so grateful to our merciful Savior!
    Much love to all of you!
    Lydia for the P Millers

  12. The kids and I were praying specifically for your labs this morning in the van. Answered Abby's questions of what if it is...the C word, and what if it isn't? Not a minute later I get the text from Mark - NO CANCER! Praised Jesus with tear filled eyes the whole way to our field trip and told anyone who would listen! SOOO thrilled for the Fair family!

  13. Oh Suze! I am so happy to hear this news! It was great to have Kelly's updates...but it is so nice to "hear" your voice again! Much love to you and your family my dear friend.


  14. Thank God for the good news. Just like you said Suze, God knows everything about everything.

  15. Oh, that is such fabulous news!! I am rejoicing and praising God!! Tears of joy and a huge sigh of relief! While God may have it all under control, it's always nice when He clues us in. :)

  16. God is good. His mercies are new every morning. We continue to pray and anticipate what God as next, and know people's faith have been strengthened by your experience.

  17. How beautiful are those three words "it's not cancer."
    Amen and amen.

    Jen Naylor
