Thursday, October 7, 2010

Surgery Completed

Suze is out of surgery & all is well.  (I've been waiting all day to be able to type those words!)  Here's the 411 on the surgery:
  • They removed an enlarged lymph node - appears benign!
  • They removed the tumor (bigger than a silver dollar) - appears benign but won't be confirmed until next week after the lab work is completed.
  • Whipple was performed successfully - all the "plumbing" (crass but descriptive) is in place.
  • Suze is now in ICU & sleeping..soundly...zonked...the lights are on & no one's get the idea!
  • Her pain is being managed through the epidural (3-4 days) which minimizes pain meds - a good thing!

We're VERY grateful (see prayer)!  Thank you for all of your prayers...keep 'em coming!


  1. This is great news! Thank you God! My son will be excited to go back & report to his homeroom - they prayed for Suze this morning!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is such an answered prayer and wonderful news to hear. Thank God for his protection over Aunt Suze! We love you!

  4. glad to here she's doing well. We will continue to pray for you all. Is there anything you need? We would love to help.

  5. Wonderful news, Kelly!

    Love - to you & the kids.
    Prayer - for Suze's healing.
    Glory - to God Almighty!
