Monday, October 11, 2010

Recovery - Day 4: Turning A Corner

Wow!  When Suze turns a corner, she does it with a flair!  If you've been reading our blog, you'd know that yesterday had been a pretty rough day - a sleepless night followed by lots of pain, weakness, etc.  A friend was going to stay with Suze in the room overnight so that I could sleep.  I had taken the kids home from a quick visit & then returned a couple of hours later to drop off some necessary items.

Between 6:00pm-8:30pm, something had shifted, because I returned to find Suze sitting up, lucid & a bit more energetic.  She stared at me for a couple of seconds & asked, "So, when are you going to shave that beard?" (I had started growing out the chin whiskers for the fall).  I thought to myself, "She's back!"

This morning was more of the same.  I came in about 7:45am in order to see the Doc as he made his rounds but he had already been there & left.  I found out that before I arrived, that she had felt like standing up & walked (with some help) out of the room into the hall, touched the wall opposite her door & returned to the bed.  This was HUGE!

So, here's where we are so far in this day of milestones & victories:
  • Dr. Yohanda was very pleased with her progress, saying that as of today, she was "days ahead of the curve in her recovery..."
  • They were able to remove the epidural & so far have been managing the pain very well with a different kind of drug (pain level is a bit higher but tolerable with no side effects).
  • They are looking at removing another line or two in the next day or so if this trend continues
  • They are upping the food (via tube) to a richer mix & amount - mmmm, good!
Hmmm...Do you think God is on the move?  Is it possible He actually DOES know everything about everything?  Do you believe God's got it? 

I am amazed by God's healing power, the way His timing is always perfect & the lengths he will go to reveal His Kingdom for all to see.  Suze & I give God all of the credit for healing in this process of recovery.  He orchestrated everything from the selection of doctors & nurses to the application of drugs & treatment protocols. 

So, thanks for your prayers.  We are blessed & it is VERY good to see some light back in Suze's eyes.  She still has a long way to go, but she is hopeful & we're all encouraged.



  1. good to hear! Love you guys!

  2. We are so thankful for continued recovery. Kelly, get ready for lots of hospital hall walking. Oh and by the way, you'll need to get to the hospital by 6 AM if you want to see Dr. Yahanda. He starts his day EARLY.
    Our God is an Awesome God.

  3. God is in control, even back when he was forming Suze's personality. He made her strong and a fighter because He knew she would need to be! Still praying every day, hour, minute!!

  4. Answer to prayer!! I'm so happy to read this! Go Suze! You're a fighter.

  5. Praise God! So so so happy to hear this! (but not all surprised....can't imagine Suze being down too long :O) Grateful that she is doing as well as she is and know that God will see you all through this just as He has been! :O)...and Kelly, she'll be so proud of the job you've been doing keeping us updated..tell her that's why you hadn't shaved...busy typing. :O) Blessing to all of you!
    Bob & Terri I
