Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day12 - A new rythm.

So, we're wrapping up our first full day at home and I'm left wondering...
How will I be in my home, with time on my hands, but no energy or "permission" to do all the projects (little and big) that I've been waiting until I had some time on my hands to do?
Well, if today's any indicator, it will be a one day at a time kind of thing.
But, the good part of this awareness -- is that I am definately feeling much better.
Today was a day of rest, short walk outside, rest, sit on the porch, rest, another short walk, learn how to knit, and rest some more.  So grateful for the beautiful weather so that I could sit on the porch and really soak up a gorgeous Indiana Fall day.  Made me remember again why I love our neighborhood so very much.
Tonight the 'rents came over to visit and my brother Rob (and fam) came by to fix the one and only light in our one and only bathroom on the main floor (kind of important for me as I'm hanging out primarily on the main floor).  Good to have a handy man in the family, for sure!!
   Tomorrow Amy heads home.
This is Amy.  In a hat.  Drinking Coffee.
I know Kelly already talked about her -- but today it's my turn.
This young woman has been amazing. 
She's fun, she's creative, she's practical, calm, not afraid of anything connected to any part of my procedure or recovery, and she's just so easy to love.
I'm grateful for ALL the help, but mostly for her being willing to be my "morning buddy".  This allowed Kel time to be away from the hospital to regroup, catch a nap, and just breathe.
Thank you Amy for the very real ways you have loved all 5 of us.
Christmas can't come fast enough!!

Tomorrow is also my dear Mother's birthday.  A bit of a bummer for me this year as I won't have the energy to really celebrate every one of her amazing 75 years.  I'm sure my Dad has some special plans for her!
Time to hit the hay, but because I'm still on the hospital rhythm -- it's just now bedtime (midnight) and I'm sure I'll be up again @1:3, 3:3, & 5:3.  But I will be waking up at HOME and for that I can't stop being so very grateful.
We continue to figure out how to re-integrate as all 5 of us.  The last 2 weeks have been hard on all of us.  So, we thank you for keeping us in your prayers.  We are praying for many of you as well.
Still amazed at God's goodness and provision,


  1. Special prayers right now for those precious, precious kids. xoxo

  2. Keeping you in prayer, Suze! So thankful you're home and doing better.

  3. Praying for all of you knowing that God will answer as he sees fit.
    Happy Birthday to your Mom!
