Monday, November 8, 2010

Calendars and why they matter.

OK, so this post has to start with a confession: I MESSED UP!
Yep, I thought we had a Doctor's appointment first thing this morning (8 a.m.). So everybody was up and outta here by 7:3 (that's a big deal for a family of 5 with 1 bathroom & 3 of those people being teenagers).  Got to the Doc's office and nope -- no appt. for me today -- that "first appt. of the day" slot would be on Wednesday!  OK, so we'll try again then.  But meanwhile, my friend the feeding tube is still with me and my questions about "certain things" are still unanswered.  But overall, it's a minor thing and we'll get our questions answered on Wednesday.
But calendar mess-ups aside: I'm celebrating! I am happy to report 2 great days, IN A ROW.  It's an amazing thing when you're days are kind of iffy, to experience 2 days, back to back, when you feel pretty good.  I am amazed at how good it feels to not feel bad, know what I mean?  But I've long been convinced that you can't rejoice in the LIGHT if you haven't stood in the DARK for awhile and felt utterly and completely lost.  And for sure, you can't celebrate LIFE if you've never experienced DEATH.  So these 2 days -- are like a huge taste of LIGHT and LIFE for me and I'm very grateful.  I fully anticipate some more rough days ahead -- but these days where I'm able to feel the strength returning -- that's joy!
Today I had the honor of meeting Kelly's good friend Cyprien Nkiriyumwami (his last name means "everything I have and everything I am belong to the King", mine just means 4-H) from World Relief Africa (DRC to be specific).  What a joy it was to sit with him and get to know him and then to have him place his hand on my shoulder and pray for my continued healing.  Undone by God's grace again.
I hope whatever your Monday has held (even if you missed an important meeting) you'll hit the pillow tonight aware that tomorrow is a brand new day!

1 comment:

  1. It is REALLY good to see that your posts are coming farther and farther apart (not being sarcastic, really), because it is my sincere hope that that means you are not confined to a sofa with a laptop, but are LIVING gloriously and enjoying the days as they come. :) Be blessed, be well, be SUZE, and know that you are always close to my thoughts and you are missed by me. :) - Jennifer Rothenbush
