Sunday, November 28, 2010

Right things to do.

Kelly made a HUGE breakfast for us and then the 5 of us went to a movie (a Thanksgiving break tradition that I thought we might have to forgo this year).  It was a fun afternoon and great to be all together.  Crazy movie based on even crazier best-selling books that for the past 10 years just seemed to keep coming and coming...still fun though!! 

Rough morning but still able to make it to Fellowship to celebrate with a whole bunch of folks following Jesus into the waters of baptism.  It was an amazing morning with singing, celebration, and being reminded that there has been a whole community of faith-filled folks supporting us on this journey.  Spent the rest of the day just chillin'.  It's difficult sometimes when I'd rather be out and about - going, doing, HUSTLING to the next thing.  But I didn't -- I rested and that ended up being exactly right. 

Get the kids off to school and then head to Dr. Y's for an 8 o'clock appt.  We'll see how's he's feeling about my progress, find out if I gained any weight, and get a feel for when I might be returning to work (a word of gratitude here to my boss who has so generously told me, "come back when you're ready, we'll figure it out"). 

Family, Food, Silliness, Worship, Rest, and a Progress Report.
All things that have been, or will be, a part of three days in my life -- some wanted, some not so much -- but all exactly the right thing.  There is a sense of returning to normal in my world and for that, I'm grateful.  I still get caught off guard by how much I'd like to be in charge of the whole thing (how much I'd like to sleep, how good I'd like to feel, and how much energy I wish I had, etc.), but mostly I'm learning to trust my body.  When it says "go", I try to do something.  When it says "stop", I try to do exactly that. 
Difficult lessons for me (control?) but I'm learning, I'm learning!

I trust that no matter what yesterday, today or tomorrow held/hold for you -- you can be aware of the "rightness" in what was happening.  That you had moments of joy and struggle -- because it's in the tension between both these things where we learn to trust, believe, hope, and love just a little bit more.


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