Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stay on the trail.

This is one of my all-time favorite  pictures.  I think I snapped it in Arizona on a trip Kelly & I took one Winter.  We were hiking in a National Park and found these trails they were reclaiming, and this was the sign hanging along the trail.
I have felt like it has become the mantra of my life.  There's always some kind of healing taking place -- emotional, physical, relational, spiritual...and the best plan is to just stay on the trail.  Every time I vere off and try to figure out my own path to healing I get stuck, get more messed up, or simply shut down.  So now, in this season of my own physical reclaiming, I'm staying on the trail.  Even when I'd rather be anywhere but sitting in a chair, lying down, or watching others pick up, clean up, and fix up.  But every time I'm tempted to step off the trail, I remember what an absolute privilege is mine to have this time to let the healing take place.  To take one breath in and then let it out.  To listen to music I love, visit with family and friends, read when I can, let others do all the things I can't, and mostly just rest.

This week my sister Dawn headed back to Kansas, my good friend Nance drove in from Chicago, Elsa (& her Mom) came over to play, my "sister" Becky popped over for a visit, the gals from Church came over to clean and the meals keep rolling in!  Wow!!  All good and life-giving.  Kelly's folks are also here from Oklahoma and Grandma is busy in the kitchen while Gramps is running the Fair-family taxi service.  Grateful for all they're doing to keep the homefires burning!!  And then tomorrow night, #3 child has opening night for her play!!  I'm so hopeful that I'll feel up to the big outing -- can't wait to see Mackenzie as "Norma".  I bet you've had a big week too.  I hope as tomorrow rolls around, you're aware that it's been about life and living it to the fullest! 
So much more than grateful,

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