Friday, November 12, 2010

Never really alone.

So, yesterday marked the 5 week date on the calendar since the surgery.
Unbelievable -- what my body has been through in the past weeks and yet, every day I feel like I get closer to being "back".  This week has had some great days and a couple not so great ones - but as Kelly reminds me, that's progress!  So, we keep moving forward.  Still haven't seen the Doc -- we messed up on Monday, and then got there Wed. for our appt. and they had canceled all his appointments as he had been in surgery all night.  Uugh.  Frustrating, but we go Monday first thing and hopefully will get some good feedback and guidance for what's next.
This week as also been my first week alone at home.  Kelly is back at work and his folks went home to Oklahoma, kids at school (mostly), and I'm on my own.  Mostly, it's a good thing.  My folks are close by if I need anything and friends pop in or call for a visit, and I'm grateful for that.  But I do really enjoy setting the pace for the day (can anyone say nap from 11-1?) and the ongoing challenge of figuring out what to eat -- on my own.   Amazingly, it has taken me until now (5 weeks really?) to be able to or even want to read a book, do some writing, or even watch a movie.  Crazy, but I'm going with it, after all what are my choices?
This morning, I read this...
"O Lord of Grace,
The world is before me this day,
and I am weak and fearful,
but I look to Thee for strength;
If I venture forth alone I stumble and fall,
but on the Beloved's arm I am firm as the eternal hills."

I love this way of looking at life, and not just right now.
My need for God & others is obvious now,
but it's really not much different than any other time of the year,
other than most times you can't see my need because I bury it deep underneath my capacity.
So in these days of waiting for strength to return, stamina to build up, and the good days to outnumber the bad...I'm thinking about not being so good at doing it on my own.
Months from now, I hope I'm still aware of my need and yours too.
And that I'm quick to invite God and maybe even you into the place where I might need a little help.

Grace & peace,

1 comment:

  1. How close this is to my own heart..I too have stumbled alone. How AWESOME to know that we have such a graceous God!! When we allow Him to lead our day He will give us the strength that we need. Amen
