Monday, November 1, 2010


You know, I'm learning something about the human self -- you just can't make yourself be hungry for something.  My appetite just isn't the same and many (insert my big sister Dawn's name here) are concerned that I'm not getting enough calories. But listen people, I'm trying.  I watch the FoodNetwork, I try to get inspired by looking at pictures of food, I think about my Mom's best meals (and then call her and ask her to cook), and then I just plain try to eat.  But something is not firing between my head, my mouth, and the new stomach.  So, I've got a few things that are working and I'm sticking with those, maybe eventually just any old thing will sound good -- but until then, 1 egg over easy please!
And as I've been thinking about the whole nutrition thing -- it of course makes me think about my long and complicated journey with food.  For the past several years I've been trying to treat food as fuel - not comfort, companionship, or even entertainment.  Uugh, like I said, complicated.  But this season, this eating for nutrition only thing, it's taking me deeper into my own understanding of all the right & wrong ways I've used food over the years AND all the ways I've tried to force myself to be hungry for something spiritually and that hasn't worked out so well either.  There is a rhythm and pace to appetite.  It comes when it's needed, in the way's that are beneficial for your WHOLE self.  This forcing thing, not such a great plan.  So, when it comes to food and the Bread of Life, I'm learning to dance a whole new dance.  It's an adventure and you know me, I'm always up for one of those!

Katie (R) and good friend Kami.
AKA: The Cloud & the Drip.
On a totally unrelated note (kind of) last night we still had a couple of trick-or-treaters at our house...when exactly do they stop dressing up?  It was fun though!  Aunt Dawn pulled together Kenzie's "Belle" costume and Katie got her "raincloud" groove on.  A huge dose of NORMAL, which was really fun.  We also went through about 1500 pieces of candy just handing out on our street.  My sister (who lives on a farm in Kansas) was in shock!  Gotta love the big city trick-or-treaters!!

Well, I hope your appetite for ALL things is exactly right for you.  That you're experiencing all kinds of growth and uncomplicated-ness when it comes to what you're hungering after. But if you're more like me -- hang in there.  Trust the rhythm.  And when all else fails -- just have a hunk of really good bread!!
More than grateful,


  1. One word....Ensure. It kept Brock going for quite awhile. Oh, and a donut or two helped also.
    Thankful you are doing so well.

  2. Hi Suze-Glad to see you are progressing and healing well ;-)
    You have been in my thoughts. Please tell big sister Dawn hello for me. Would love to see her sometime!!
    Take care.
